Divorce Settlements Are Not Always Written in Stone

1. I have just lost my job at the GM plant wherein I worked for the last 20 years. I can no longer continue to pay my former wife $250 per week in alimony. Can I go back to court and try to contest my divorce settlement? Yes, you certainly can file a motion to […]

Blocking a Divorce

1. I can’t stand my wife anymore and I want to get a divorce. Is there any way that my wife can block the divorce? A prevailing myth that I often come across is that you need your spouse’s consent to get a divorce. I am repeatedly surprised by the number of people who mistakenly […]

Marital Fault and Misconduct

1. What is marital fault? Marital fault means that at least one spouse is guilty of marital misconduct that may be, but is not limited to, adultery, deviant sexual conduct, surfing too much porn, extreme cruelty or inhumane treatment, habitual drunkenness, mental illness, imprisonment, sexual desertion, drug addiction, non-support. 2. What type of behavior constitutes […]

Seizing Your Tax Refund to Pay for Child Support Arrears

1. How does New Jersey Probation go about seizing a tax refund to pay off back child support? One of the most popular way to collect past child support arrears is for Probation to “zap” your federal tax refund. This is very disheartening to the payor, but it happens quite often. The common term that […]

Child Support Arrears and Credit Reports

1. I owe some “serious” back child support. Will this debt nuke my credit report? If you are a person who owes child support arrears in New Jersey, and if you owe at least $1,000, then your arrears may be reported to the three major credit bureaus. Thereafter,  your credit report will be available to […]